Friday, September 11, 2009

Never forget...

My heart goes out to all of those that lost a loved one this day, eight years ago.  September 11, 2001 is one of those days that we all touched all of us in such a profound way.

Do you remember where you were, or what you were doing that day?  I luckily didn't lose anyone, but still cried like a baby at all of the constant footage that continued that day and thereafter.  I remember being in shock that someone could organize something so evil against this country.

I was working in Boston at the time, and I recall most companies and buildings were evacuating, because they didn't know if all popular U.S. cities were going to be targeted.  It was a very scary day- I called my father and siblings who also worked in Boston just to check in on them. 

I really can't imagine the horror and shock that went through the minds of those families who lost someone they loved.  I am so fortunate that I have my health, and my family and friends are still with me.

As bad as things get in my life, I try to remain grateful for what I have, and who I have in my life.  I hope you do the same, and are able to get through this day with both grace and strength.

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