Monday, October 5, 2009

Crafters and Artisans Site

My fellow Etsian (KnitsForKids), whom I met on Twitter, of all places, is doing something very special for online artists like myself. Cecile, founder of the "Crafters and Artisans Directory", has kindly linked my Razberries site to her site/blog.  She is also an abundant source of knowledge.  If you would like to be a part of her artist community, feel free to shoot her an email.  To pay it forward, perhaps you could mention her on your site or Etsy page, as well as click on the Google ads, which help keep her site running.   Here is her site:

Over the weekend, I created 22 different photo card designs, as well as 2 new prints, which I will be debuting on Etsy in the near future.  I just got done editing all of my photos this morning, now comes the tedious (but fun) task of adding to my shop.  All I have left to work on are some more Christmas/winter holiday items as I would like to have those at the craft fair.  People always seem to buy ahead, don't they? I usually start Christmas shopping now, but then again, I am a little bit nutty.

Funds are tight this year, as I am one of the many people who are still unemployed in this country.  Which bascially means that some of my gifts to friends and family will most likely be homemade.  I am fortunate enough though, that most of what I give to people, I think they actually enjoy (I hope?).  It is so exciting to create a personalized gift for a loved one, and there is no better feeling than when you see someone's eyes light up when they receive your gift. 

Well, I am off to Etsy to upload some photos and create some listings, while I am watching my favorite soap, "Days of Our Lives".  I told you I was nutty, didn't I?

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