Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ready for the holiday...

Well, I only have a few tiny things left to wrap and then I am done.  I made some gingerbread man ornaments for my dad's colleagues, which was a fun little project.  Also worked on a piece of  custom art work for one of my friends who was giving it as a gift to her mother on Christmas.  Happy to say that she got it delivered in time, too!

The ornaments were a new idea I came up with...I just didn't know how well they would come out, but I am actually quite pleased with them.  Maybe next  year I will make some for my Etsy site.  Only thing is, with things so fragile as these are, the customer would almost pay as much in shipping as the item itself.  If I have some time today, I may make more for my upcoming family visits...

I hope you all have a happy holiday!

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